Wednesday, December 29, 2010

First Post via MWG ZINC II

This is my first post using MWG ZINC II, a new PDA from a kind friend in my office. May Allah be with him. Amin.

This post is via hotspot in Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel in Bali.

at Bali
Dec 29, 2010

In A Team Creating History of Balitbangkes

During the last semester of 2010, I have joined a team to create a book about history of Badan Litbangkes. This team is coordinated by Mr. Agus, and the writer is Mr. Arie R. The book, with the title "The Dance of Minds: 35 Tahun Badan Litbangkes", was finally launched at Simposium Nasional VI at Jakarta Convention Center on December 20, 2010.

Today is the day the team make an evaluation of the book.
I learn many things in this project.

at Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel, Bali
December 29, 2010, 08.31 AM
What a lovely morning

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


My background is engineering, I love studying how stuff works.
My background is not monetary...

Percetakan Negara - Jakarta

Thursday, December 02, 2010

DigitalWorks Online Still Exists

December 2, 2010.
By accident I find my website DigitalWorks Online hosted in Geocities (, but my website is not in anymore. It is hosted in

So, this to inform you that you can read and download my articles and softwares through this link,

But minor code errors still exist due to the migration from to

December 2, 2010

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Jam Kumpul Blog

By November 2, 2010 I create my new blog called Jam Kumpul. The address is This blog is dedicated to record anything interesting during my trip to other cities. Hoping that it would be beneficial to others.

Ruang7 - Depok

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Visit to Waikabubak, Nusa Tenggara Timur

At the end of October 2010 I had a visit to Waikabubak in Sumba Island, Nusa Tenggara Timur. My trip began on October 24, 2010 in the early morning since I had to step out from my home on 02.30 AM to reach Soekarno-Hatta Airport.
Then, I had to transit in Ngurah Rai Airport before continuing to reach Tambolaka Airport in Sumba Island. From Tambolaka I had to reach Waikabubak using Toyota Avanza, hmm, special thank goes to all of my friends in Waikabubak.
Waikabubak is a very interesting and unique place. You can start your business here. I will write the story of this Waikabubak and the culture in my other blog.
I left Waikabubak on Wednesday October 27, 2010.
Chandra at Ruang7 - Depok.
Lovely morning

Saturday, October 23, 2010

3 Items for 10 Dollars in Singapore

When you have a visit to Singapore there is something unique when you have a shop. A lot of goods sold in a bundle that you can buy many items for one price. An example is when I visit at a shop in Singapore, there are a lot of things sold with a lable "3 for $10"... :) . This would be similar in Indonesia that you can find easily in a mall or traditional market. You can hear a merchant speak loudly "10.000 tiga" meaning that he sells his goods 3 items for just Rp. 10.000.

Another interesting experience that you can find obviously in Singapore is this city is so clean that there is no garbage everywhere. Oh yes, I almost forget, I noticed that there is no police or security officials on every street. This would be different with Jakarta with almost every corner of the city you may find easily a police officers or security guards. Well, I try to understand about this different condition.

Hmm, with all the strong points of Singapore, I still love Indonesia. Indonesia is better that Singapore. Yup, we cannot compare both two countries in the same points. But we can say Singapore has strong points and also Indonesia has strong points. But I choose my own point of views to declare which one is better. I love Indonesia since I can find mosque easily.

Ruang 7
October 23, 2010. 10.11 AM.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My First Landing in Batam

Sunday morning October 17, 2010 is my first 'landing' in Batam Island. This is the first time for me in making my footprints in Batam. I go to Batam with my friends for a special task.

I will be here until Wednesday October 19, 2010.
I have a lot of interesting stories during my trip that I will post into my blog later, including my meeting with a moslem from Malaysia that gives me a very nice advice in Singapore.

I postpone to write the stories since a lot of tasks to do here.
See you next time....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
11.27 AM
at Nagoya - Batam - Indonesia.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Since You are in a Mosque...

On my way to get home from my office, I have to locate a mosque for Maghrib praying. Finally I reach Nurul Hayah Mosque around Ragunan.
As usual, since it is my habit, I always look around and I find an interesting statement written on a white paper glued on a wall. The statement is similar with other statement I found in a mosque, to warn its visitor to adjust their clothes.

Hmm, barakallah fiikum.

at Ruang7 October 16, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Challenging a Danger

Easy and cheap transportation is the most favourite choice for the people in my country. One example is busway. This is the most favourite public transportation for the people living in Jakarta. As you can imagine, the simple and cheap transportation will become the favourite one and as the result, passengers will fulfill every space in the bus.
Another favourite public transportation in my country is Jabotabek train. This kind of train serves from south of Jakarta (Bogor) until Jakarta-Kota, and also serves from Bekasi until west of Jakarta, making people easily move from those areas to other areas in Jakarta. Well, in the early morning of Tuesday on September 28, 2010, I have a duty to Bogor to interview a professor. The story about this will be written later... :) .
So, for the first time during last five months, I stepped in Depok Baru Railway Station. The passengers are so crowded waiting for the train to Jakarta-Kota and Tanah Abang. I have no wonder about this since today is working day until the officer in the station gave an announcement of the coming train from Bogor. This made me fascinated! The train were full of passengers even they had to sit at the top of the train and also hanging on the handle bar near the train door. This could be done only for the 'stunt master' for TV or film show... :) . And if you see this in your TV, there could be a text 'Don't do this at home' to remind the people not to do this.
As you can see in the picture above, that would be the profile of our public transportation nowadays. So what should we do to solve the condition like this? Any opinion?
Silent night 21.18
September 28, 2010
at Ruang7

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Do'a to Remember

"Ya Rabb, letakkanlah dunia di tanganku, tapi jangan Engkau letakkan di hatiku.. aamiin".

Thank to the one teaching me this do'a, even I forget what book I read from. Jazaakallahu khoiroon.

Rainy Sunday Afternoon
Ruang7, 16.52 PM

Some People Reach The Top of The Corporate Ladder Without A University Degree

The statement above I quote from bonus magazine of Jakarta Post I borrowed from National Institute of Health Research and Development (Litbangkes). The magazine is Weekender, October 2010 edition. On Friday September 24, 2010, I borrowed this magazine from local library in my institute, so I hope I could read the magazine in my office while I was working with my daily activities. The magazine comes with many topics to read, but this topic seems the most interesting topic for me.

I don't mean that I have reached the top, but I mean most of the people today have a vision that being success will be reached by having higher degree. You may have a closer look at your surroundings. Some people reach success even though they don't have any university degree.

And, some people -unfortunately- have a look on someone by his or her degree. They will spread a red carpet if you have higher university degree. They will welcome you kindly. On the other side, if you don't have anything, you will be nothing in their visions.

And, this is the point of this writing, life is changed. Don't underestimate on someone.

Rainy Sunday afternoon
Ruang7, Depok 16.24 WIB

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Trying of BlankOn v6.0 Ombilin

Today Tuesday September 14, 2010 is my first trying of another Linux variant. This variant is from Indonesian. Very unique in my opinion since it uses a name from common Indonesian tribe namely Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese, Madurese, etc. This Linux is BlankOn v6.0. This version of BlankOn comes with the name code Ombilin.

According to documentation, this BlankOn is derived from Ubuntu, so you can try BlankOn using Live CD without needed to change your computer settings. Another interesting side of this Linux is the use of Indonesian Language for most of the application menu, but not of them. Hmm, actually this would make me confuse since in computer application some people are familiar in English language. But this is not a big problem. If we use Indonesian language more often, so we will familiar. We just need a time to get adaptation.

Anyway, if you want to try BlankOn, you may download via this link Don't forget to prepare a space in your harddisk or flash disk for about 700 MB. After that, you may burn the downloaded iso file into the CD using Nero. And... a Live CD for BlankOn is ready.

Please underline that this posting is written using Live CD of BlankOn Ombilin version. Good job! Alhamdulillah.

Percetakan Negara - Jakarta
September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sesuaikan Etika dan Busana Anda dengan Lingkungan Masjid

"Sesuaikan etika dan busana Anda dengan lingkungan masjid".

That statement is quite common in our surroundings especially when we enter yard of a mosque. Some mosques warn visitors with such a statement I quote above. This is the second mosque I know having such a statement to remind visitors to adjust their clothes based on Islamic rule, at least to cover their 'aurat'. Please refer to Islamic book concerning about this, you may find it easily in your local bookstore.

The first mosque I know having a statement like that is Al Azhar mosque near Blok M area. The statement is written in such a big font size that everyone can see the statement clearly from a distance. Alhamdulillah, in Ramadhan 1413 H/2010 M, I found similar statement qlued on a wall in Al Maghfiroh Mosque around South Jakarta. Well, in my prediction, there would be a lot of mosques having a statement like that to remind visitors to adjust their clothes based on Islamic rule. What about the mosque in your surroundings? Has the management of the mosque (DKM or Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid) already warned their visitors? If not yet, why don't you advice the management about this?

Hmm, I guess there would be a growing number of mosques that will have a statement like this. Alhamdulillah, all praise is to Allah. I also remember that in some Islamic boarding school (pesantren) have similar statement like that, but in 'stronger' statement since they -perhaps- have more power. They remind their visitors with a statement like this:

"Anda memasuki kawasan wajib berbusana muslim/muslimah".
(You enter compulsory moslem/moslemah-dress area).

chandra at Depok
Rainy afternoon 5.19 PM
Monday, September 13, 2010

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Installing ClustrMaps for Buku Islam Blog

September 05, 2010, I installed a blog tool to know location of Buku-Islam blog visitors. The tool is provided by ClutrMaps. It provides a geographical location of where our blog visitor come. Pretty useful.

Something to underlined that ClustrMaps doesn't provide a real time report, but it will update the report daily. So the image report we see is actually the description of visitors for the last 24 hours.

Below I captured a report from 5 Sept 2010 until 6 Sept 2010. So I only get description based on 24 hours basis. The report says that Buku-Islam blog visitors come from all over the world. Alhamdulillah. Most of them are from Indonesia and some of them are from United States. The rest are from many other countries namely Saudi Arabia, Japan, Qatar, and Morocco.

Well, this ClustrMaps is a very interesting tool, especially based on my humble opinion.

Percetakan Negara - Jakarta

Saturday, September 04, 2010

A Do'a to remember

This morning, I remember a heart-touching do'a. I don't want to make long statement in this post, here is the do'a:

"Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pemaaf, dan suka memaafkan, maka maafkanlah aku."

at Ruang7-Depok

Monday, August 30, 2010

My 17th Book: 250 Tip & Trik Menguasai Windows 7

My 17th book -alhamdulillah- by August 24, 2010 is available on stores. I am so happy today, and I hope it will enlighten people about Windows 7. Two things about this book; first, this is the most number in computer tips and tricks. I thing I might have entered MURI record for this; second, the price of this book is the highest since I have write the book. May Allah be with us. Amin.

@ Jakarta.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to Setup IP Address for DLINK DES 3526 Switch

On August 24, 2010, I write an article about how to setup an IP address for DLINK DES 3526 switch. This article is easy to understand even for new comer in networking kingdom since I write using step-by-step tutorial and also I add a screen shoot picture in almost every step I write.

You may read the article in this link below.


So, have a nice reading... :)

Chandraleka (a.k.a. ÇäkrabiRâwÄ)
at Jakarta

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Indonesia's 65th Independence Day Commemoration

August 17, 2010, today is a special day for my people. Today is our country's Independence Day commemoration. We have celebrated this Independence Day for 65 times.

Being an occupied country is painful. And now we live in independent era since -actually- our nation can do anything without order from other nation. This idea always keep in my mind. Are we actually independent? Independence in my humble opinion is no control from other nation, and we can control ourself.

I don't want to create a list that our nation is being controlled by other nations. You may think by yourself. After that you may conclude your opinion. Please don't be so extreme, since you are Indonesian. So love your country, Indonesia.

Chandra (a.k.a. ÇäkrabiRâwÄ)
at Ruang7-Depok.

Friday, August 06, 2010

National Lokakarya at Horison Hotel Bandung

Alhamdulillah, in the name of Allah, I found an internet connection, because my modem was left in Jakarta.

From August 05-07, 2010, I join Lokakarya Nasional at Horison Hotel Bandung. But I don't want to talk about the Lokakarya since it is too serius. Let's find something joyful... :). It is rather difficult for me to find out what the unique thing from Bandung. What is something special from this city? Yup, I also asked my friend about this. But the answer is just joking.

Peuyeum. Maybe. But I am not interested in it. Hmm, I like Bandung Railway Station. Yup railway station. Maybe tomorrow, I will tell about Bandung railway station.

Hmm, it is already late, 21.42 PM. Tired.

Bandung, August 6, 2010.
Chandra at Buah Batu, Horison Hotel, Bandung.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Semarang Tawang Railway Station

Sunday August 01, 2010, the condition forced me to go back to Jakarta using train. Formerly, our plan was going back to Jakarta using airplane from Ahmad Yani Airport Semarang. Well, well, well. So our destination was to reach Semarang Tawang Railway Station. Alhamdulillah, I am very familiar with the condition around Semarang, since I had ever studied in Diponegoro University for years. And, train was my main transportation from Jakarta to Semarang.

The situation of Semarang Tawang Railway station is not changing much. I like the old building of this station which was created during the era of Netherlands occupation of Indonesia. The architecture is very unique. It creates a unique sense different with modern building. Well, I love it.

Hmm, I still remember 'my favourite transit', the mushalla. This place is the first destination when I reached Semarang after having travel from Jakarta. Yup, going to pray. Or, if I reached Semarang in the early morning, this place was my lovely place while waiting for the sunrise and continue my travel to Tembalang. Yup, waiting for praying subuh and for the sunrise.

Semarang Tawang Railway Station really has an interesting memory for me. Someday, I will travel and show this station and the memories lie behind this station to my beloved wife. I will show her my lovely memories...


August 03, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

Central Java Exibition 2010

From 30 Juli 2010 until 1 August 2010 I have a visit to Semarang - Central Java to join Central Java Exibition 2010 at PRPP - Semarang.

I have a travel by car to reach Semarang. This is actually a lovely trip to go. I really enjoy a long trip, alhamdulillah, I love everything called 'process' since actually I am a patient-type boy... :) alhamdulillah. And really love to watch or keep an eye on everything.

The participants of the exibition come from many institutions; goverment institutions, private company, universities, and even many schools. I will write about something interest later, about Batik. But later... I have to do a scout first (like gathering information about something).


@ Hotel Puri Garden Semarang
10.22 PM. July 30, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Easy Way to Install Senayan in Local Host

Currently, I have uploaded an article about how to install Senayan - Library Otomation in local host of a computer. FYI, Senayan is a web based program to manage anything about library.

Alhamdulillah, this article is in Indonesian language :). Here, don't be shy to click it :

Click this link

Chandra @ Jakarta
Friday, 13.59 WIB, July 16, 2010.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Success Installing Senayan 3 - Stable 14

Alhamdulillah, with Allah helps I can install Senayan Library Automation (Release 3 Stable 14) in my computer. I install in Windows 7 OS using local host, not in a network. Good, well done. This could be my new toy. :)

But there is a little error. I know this error when I log in and click the Home panel. It shows that the path of mysqldump is not correct. Yup, maybe later I will fix it.

Note: July 07, 2010 after 'Isya in Ruang7 Depok.

Chandra a.k.a. Cakrabirawa

Saturday, July 03, 2010

UTP Cable Setting

Straight Through Cable
For Client to Hub or Switch . First edge and the other edge of the cable should be like this, see the picture below.

Cross Over Cable
- PC to PC
- Laptop to Laptop
- Hub to Hub
- Switch to Switch
For the first edge and the other edge of the cable should be like this. See the picture below.

at Ruang7

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Visit to Salatiga

A visit to Salatiga June 21, 2010 to June 23, 2010.
A visit to Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit Salatiga at Jl. Hasanudin 123 Salatiga.

May Allah be with us! Amen.

@ Le Beringin Hotel, Jl. Sudirman Salatiga - Jawa Tengah

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Linux From USB Flash Disk

Something that attrack my attention about Linux is running it from flash disk via USB port. On Friday June 18, 2010 I tried to emulate Ubuntu 10.04 to flash disk. Alhamdulillah, it worked. So that I can run Ubuntu from USB flash disk. The way it works is similar with running Linux from a Live CD.
So this is the way you do if you want to run Ubuntu from flash disk:
1. Buy a 2 GB of flash disk. This is the minimal size.
2. Get Universal USB Installer.
3. Download Ubuntu iso from Ubuntu site.
4. Place Universal USB Installer and Ubuntu iso on your computer in the same folder.
5. Run Universal USB Installer.
6. Follow the wizards.
That's all. Pretty easy huh?
This trick may be the solution for the computer who cannot run Ubuntu Live CD. Because I have the same problem with this. Formerly I ever tried Ubuntu Live CD to run in my laptop. But my laptop get freezed during its loading. And using this trik I can run Ubuntu well on my laptop.
So do you want to try?
Chandra @ Depok

Thursday, June 03, 2010

First Trying of Ubuntu in Networking

Today June 03, 2010 I try Ubuntu 7 (Feisty Fawn) that I get from Bogor when I attend computer networking training. I try this Ubuntu in my office computer that is connected to a network and also connected to the Internet. I know Ubuntu a few years ago, but this time is my first experience trying Ubuntu in a computer network.

One thing fascinates me. Ubuntu can detect everything including a network that already exist. So everything is easier. Using its live CD I can PING to Google and try to connect to any sites I want. So this could be my first post using Ubuntu in LIVE CD and in a network. Alhamdulillah.


Reach 10.000 Visitors for Buku-Islam in Three months

Alhamdulillah, my blog by June 03, 2010 has reached 10.000 visitors since I installed the counter on February 24, 2010. So, it needs three months to reach such a amount visitors.

What does this sign mean? For me, this is only my prediction that could be right or wrong, there are good antusiasm among people (Indonesian people) in searching Islamic knowledge. Especially, the knowledge about basic of Islam.

May Allah be with us and preserves Islamic da'wa in Indonesia. Amin.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Computer Networking Training in Bogor

From 24 - 27 May 2010 I joined Computer Networking Training in Bogor. This training is held by Pusat Data dan Surveilans Epidemiologi Kementerian Kesehatan of Republic of Indonesia.
The material is about basic of computer networking, and I still need everything about the basics. May Allah broaden my computer skill. Amien.
[This post is sent from my home after having the training]

Monday, May 24, 2010

Badan PP SDM Kesehatan

Something to remember. From May 9, 2010 until May 22, 2010 at Badan Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya Kesehatan, I spent my days. The activity was follow the training which was held by Health Ministry. Badan PP SDM is located on Jalan Hang Jebat Raya Kebayoran Baru Jakarta.

And thi post is sent when I follow a computer networking training on Pusdiklat Gizi at Jl. Dr. Semeru Bogor. Actually I just want to test my SMART modem. And fortunately, alhamdulillah, it works! he. The connection is good, the same result when I use this modem at home. By the way, I follow this computer networking training from Monday May 24, 2010 until Thursday May 27, 2010. I hope this training increased my knowledge, my horizon especially in networking.

From Bogor with smile!

a.k.a. Cakrabirawa

Monday, May 03, 2010

Watch Riskesdas Video on YouTube

Today most of my friends join TOT (Training of Trainer) on Batam Island. Perhaps it would take for a week. This training is for Riskesdas on May 2010. To give you a brief information about Riskesdas, I found a video posted by someone on YouTube.

You may click this link.

By watching this video we know that to collect data in Riskesdas need a big effort. But we hope that the value would be equal to the effort. May Allah be with us!


Friday, April 23, 2010

Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2010

Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia has a big job during May and June 2010. The job is called Riset Kesehatan Dasar, to collect information about public health in Indonesia.

For the first time I was deployed for Sumatera Utara area, but for some reasons it was cancelled. Hoping that this job done well, I pray for the success for this Riskesdas. May Allah be with us! Amiin.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Posting from JIIPP Network

With cheer...

This is my first post using office network. Wah, cepet banget. The connection is very very fast. Hope this would give me a benefit to broaden my knowledge....

From JIIPP with cheers....
April 16, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

First Day in Computer Unit

This is my first day in computer unit in Litbang. Actually I want to write much, but may be later. Well, I hope this would be a good starting point for me. Amin.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

A Trip to Puslitbang Gizi

On Saturday March 03, 2010 I went to Bogor to Puslitbang Gizi. It is not a formal visit but just to fulfil my curiosity where the Puslitbang Gizi is.
So I went to Depok Baru Railway Station. I love having a trip by train. I chose economy class train in order to gather with ordinary Indonesian people, 'the proletar' by my term. And with another reason, to save my money... hehe.

Finally, the train reached Bogor Station. Railway station has a very interesting sense for me. I don't know why. The architecture is different. Perhaps because most of the railway station in Indonesia was built by Netherlands Government during its occupation.

I was lost of direction when locating Puslitbang Gizi. But after asking to some people I found it. The situation around Puslitbang is good. I like the environment. It is different with the situation in Jakarta.

In my opinion, Bogor is a good place for living with family.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

R Table Failed to Generate

I woke up early morning today. After praying Shubuh and doing some activities that I must do in the morning, I boot my laptop with one purpose, to generate R table (This term is only from my self). This table is needed to crack a password. Hmm, I don't actually know the different between R table with dictionary attack. But, some literatures said that cracking using R table is more powerful.

There is always a building block to achieve a goal. And I realize it. Generating R table is not easy. At about 6 AM in the morning, I started to generate R table. After calculating using Benchmark, it needs 6 to 7 hours to generate. So I started to generate this table. And I left my laptop for another activity, going to AHASS to repair my motor cycle. But, when I went back to my laptop, it is already shutted down.

Then I tried to build R table for the second time. After for hours of generating, my laptop was shutted down again.

So, my conclusion is I need a cool room with AC to reduce the heat produced by my laptop. Because the laptop will work for almost 7 hours to generate the table. This table is for cracking a password with 80% success rate. If I want to crack a password with 99,90% success rate, I have to generate much more bigger table with the size 122.07 MB. But, to generate such a kind table needs 9.6 days to generate. So I need cool place and a robust processor....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Found Interesting Password Tool

Today I found interesting password tool. Very interesting in my opinion. This tool is used for generating a list of table.

So a new way to crack a password is open.

Psst..., don't tell anybody... :)

Monday, March 01, 2010

Whoever Save ONE Life Save The World ENTIRE

Today I enter a new phase of my life. Monday March 01, 2010. I just remember a verse from Holy Qur'an. Allah Jalla wa 'Ala says (in Indonesian):

"Dan barangsiapa yang memelihara kehidupan seorang manusia, maka seolah-olah dia telah memelihara kehidupan manusia semuanya." (Holy Qur'an, al Maa-idah: 32).

I remember that I often quote this verse. And I write in my book...

"Whoever save ONE life, save the world ENTIRE".

My Allah be with us. Amiin.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Counter for Resensi Buku Islam

By February 24th, 2010 I installed a counter for Resensi Buku Islam ( The code I got from Easy Counter (

Today February 25th, 2010 at around 6 AM the visitors already reach the number 38. Good.


Monday, February 08, 2010

A Doa to Remember

A few days ago I went to an Islamic Book store at Margonda Street Depok Indonesia to look for some books. As usual this is my monthly activities to fulfill the need of Islamic knowledge. Alhamdulillah.

And I found an interesting book. A new relase book from Pustaka at Taqwa. The title is "Ruh Seorang Muslim Tergantung pada Utangnya". Yup, since it is an Indonesian-language book. So, I read the book for a glance to know the whole content in single sitting.

Then, my eyes were glued on an interesting and heart-touchful doa. Alhamdulillah, I felt that I am a lucky man because I found this doa. This doa is from a hadith. So here it is,

"Ya, Allah, cukupilah aku dengan rezeki-Mu yang halal (hingga aku terhindar) dari yang haram. Cukupilah aku dengan karunia-Mu (hingga aku tidak minta) kepada selain-Mu."

(From at Tirmidzi (no. 3565) and Ahmad (I/153) from 'Ali bin Abi Thalib radhiyallahu'anhu. It is stated that the hadith is Hasan).

It is a good idea, very good idea to keep this doa always in our mind.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Elex Media Gathering at Hotel Santika Slipi

Saturday February 6th, 2010.
I have a rendezvous with others Elex Media writers at Hotel Santika Slipi Jakarta. Actually the correct statement is I am invited by Elex Media to attend this ceremony. Some writers are so lucky that they have awards from the publisher. Well done. :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Official Announcement about

After serving for years to the public especially to Indonesian people with computer information, software, tutorials, and articles, my site called DigitalWorks Online, recently could not be accessed anymore.

The address,, is not available anymore due to closing down of Yahoo! Geocities. This information should be issued a few months ago, but a lot of activities need our special and quick attentions also.

We hope that someday DigitalWorks Online would be available to public after we find our fit solution to create a new replacement site.

This information is created to whom it may concern.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Finished Writing My 17th Book

Alhamdulillah by 11.16 AM my 17th book is finished.
The heavy burden is now released with cheers :). Alhamdulillah.

With so many items I wrote in that book, I should have entered MURI record... :) just kidding.
(Bisa masuk rekor Muri nih...)

I hope for the next 2 months, the book will be available on stores...

From Ruang7 with cheers.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Happy Chandraleka on Google Search Engine

Januari 06, 2009. At the campus I tried to type my name in Google search box. In Google Indonesia I was wondering with the result as we see in this screen-capture. There is 13.400 result for the keyword 'happy chandraleka'.
Then I tried to do the same thing with Google Russia ( and also Google Japan ( But the result is different. So, it only works on Google Indonesia.
Most of sites that record my name are sites about bookstores and library (university or institution library). But don't make any mistakes with other names.
It means nothing by writing this article, since it is only my note on the net as I mentioned above in this blog.