Monday, June 05, 2006

Cyber Technology : A Digital Artifact for Human Being

by Chandraleka

Since the stone age of the Pithecanthropus Erectus until the digital era nowadays, people have tried to find more effective and inexpensive solutions to fascilitate their daily life. They tend not to do something difficult burdening themselves. They prefer making phone call to going out to their friends just to tell their friends that they will be absent for the meeting. Today, a new layer of digital era has come wiring this Earth into one networked information called cyber technology. This new invention of human being brings significant and marvelous impacts, changing the way of people on Earth in work, replacing the conservative way using manual system into the modern one using microchips system implemented in cyber technology. The new way would be easier. The new way would be more effective. In short, several benefits are gained in the use of cyber technology leading to the changing way of people in work.

The primary benefit we can get in the use of cyber technology is the access of lavish amount of information including long distance learning, discussion forums, mailing lists and also e-news. Cyber space as a giant web of networks provides abundant information beyond the computer screen making people easily, effectively and efficiently get information of what they want. Cyber technology enables people to have long distance learning – something that people on Earth has never imagined before. It is a fully teleteaching method that allows people to have a class without going to school. The students are not in the same place, they could be everywhere as long as they have access to the Internet. People can also get information by joining discussion forums, known as newsgoups, covering everything from computer to bonsai, from religion to sports. Recently at, participants are discussing the topic about cocacola. Information can also be obtained by joining mailing list. It is another service of the Internet enabling the people who have already subscribed to get email corncerning with a spesific topic periodically. For example, by sending a blank email to participants will receive mp3-related information regularly. The most interesting and popular way to gain information from the Internet is visiting web sites. Web sites have been the most popular service among the Internet services because of the integrated use of text, graphics (pictures), sound, and animation. A lot of electronic news (e-news) nowadays such as USA Today ( or ( has already used the web to spread information.

We can also get a lot of advantages if we adopt the Internet technology in doing business. This kind of business is called electronic commerce or e-commerce in short. E-commerce enables people to make business transaction while they are apart. E-commerce will give advantageous way in doing business both to the vendors and to the buyers. E-commerce needs no physical costs. Land, building, and night watchers are not required to have a shop in the Internet. Otherwise, the shop we ‘build’ in the Internet is free from looting, flood, and fire attack. Once we have already ‘built’ a shop In the Internet, it means we join the global marketing. The buyers of our products are not only from Indonesia. They might come from Arabia, Russia, Egypt, Germany, Afghanistan or from all over the world. Another unique advantage from e-commerce is the time for business. The shop will be open 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week without stopping. Different case with a conventional shop that only opens from 09.00 a.m. to 04.00 p.m. (seven hours), five or six days in a week. The last benefit from e-commerce is the possibility to buy stuff from our home. We don’t need to go out forcing us to pay taxi fee. We just sit comfortably in front of our PC and buy what we want. This technique is known as home shopping. Recently, many businessmen are considering to expand their business realm to the Internet because of its effectiveness and inexpensiveness in doing business.

The future implementations of cyber technology may include virtual office, virtual school, and also cybercity. In virtual office, attendance of the employees is not compulsary. Email is the backbone to make contact among employees even in a remote area. The employee could do the task at home and submit it through the Internet when it is finished. The use of paper can be reduced maximally leading to completely paperless office and money saving for the company. Something similar to virtual office might happen to virtual school. Virtual school would be more interesting due to the integrated use of teleteaching method, conferencing systems and multimedia. Cybercity would be supported by all Internet technology. The concept of cybercity seems to be applicable in the future and it is just a matter of time. Cybercity would create cybercommunity and cyberculture leading to the changing way of people on Earth to interact. At last, history would record this civilization of modern people.

Below are some important pieces of advice before roaming the cyberspace. The first one is hold our idealism and principle tightly. Cyberspace is a digital jungle consisting many kinds of information including positive and negative. The person dealing with Internet is also different. He could be a good guy or a bad guy. Cyberspace has no cops and rules, consequently people can do everything in Internet including the dangerous ones such as altering and hacking a web site, capturing a password, spreading a cheap propaganda to underestimate someone’s principle, etc. No one could warn these actions. No rule could forbid these activities. If we have no strong idealism, Internet would influence us and replace our idealism. Commonly, people have tendency to be bad. The second advice is know your objective well. Since a web site has a lot of advertisements and links, writing down the Internet address might be a good idea. Don’t glance to another link or address. This advice would guide you to fast, effective and efficient navigation in the Internet.

Finally, due to the use of this artifact, human being can get a lot of advantages. They will leave their conservative way and use this new artifact to fascilitate the tasks. Face-to-face meeting would be changed into discussion forums using newsgroup. The conventional teaching method would be replaced into teleteaching system, and so on. Even though cyber technology is not a Messiah, but it can make human duties easier, more effective, and more efficient. History will record : a great change has happened.

1. Wong, Bosco, Cyberspace : What’s in It for You ?, Reader’s Digest, May 1997
2. West, James, Using Internet for Business – Web Oriented Routes to Market and Existing IT Infrastructures, Journal of Computer Networks and ISDN System, July 1997
3. Grebner, Robert, Use of Instructional Material in Universal Teleteaching Environments, Journal of Computer Networks and ISDN System, July 1997
4. Purbo, Onno W., Cyber Marketing, Mikrodata, Volume 3 Seri 15
5. Purbo, Onno W., E-Commerce di Indonesia Awal Tahun 2000, Mikrodata, Volume 3 Seri 15
Http:// , March 2000
Ftp:// , March 2000

This article was written when Chandraleka hold a presentation to pass final exam (oral test) for Advanced IV at LB LIA - Semarang Branch during the year of 2000.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Resume buku :: Risalah Nikah

Judul Asli : Zawaj Mubarak
Pengarang : Ahmad bin Abdul Aziz al Hamdan
Judul Indonesia : Risalah Nikah
Alih Bahasa : Zainal Abidin Syamsuddin, LC
Penerbit : Darul Haq
Cetakan : II
Halaman : xii + 100

Berikut sebagian masalah yang bisa saya bawakan dari buku tersebut. Semoga
kita bisa mengambil manfaatnya.


Dianjurkan kepada sang suami bersikap lemah lembut pada malam pertama dengan mengajak bicara sehingga terjadi keakraban atau menyuguhkan segelas minuman sebagaimana yang dilakukan Rasulullah Shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam.

Dianjurkan untuk meletakkan tangan kanan di atas ubun ubun sang istri kemudian membaca doa yang diajarkan Rasulullah Shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam.

"Bismillah Allahumma bariklii fii zaujatii .." (lengkapnya bacalah buku tersebut)

Dianjurkan kepada sang suami shalat dua raka'at bersama istrinya dan sang istri berada di belakangnya. Sebab demikian itu lebih melanggengkan kasih sayang.

Jika ingin melakukan hubungan sebadan hendaknya berdoa:

"Bismillah, allahumma jannibnasy syaithaan wa jannibisy syaithaan maa razaqtanaa"

Tidak boleh sang suami menggauli istri kecuali di tempat jalan lahirnya bayi dan boleh melakukan cumbu rayu sesuka hati namun tidak boleh menggaulinya ketika masa haid atau nifas.

Apabila sang suami memiliki lebih dari satu istri maka pada pagi hari dari malam pertama hendaknya sang suami mendatangi istri istri lain dengan tujuan saling mendoakan.

Diharamkan bagi kedua mempelai menyebarkan rahasia hubungan seksual karena hal itu termasuk dosa besar.

Diantara hak hak yang harus ditegakkan bersama sama sebagai berikut:

Kerja sama dalam rangka menegakkan ketaatan kepada Allah, satu dengan yang lain saling mengingatkan kepada nilai ketakwaan. Diantara contoh yang paling indah adalah kerjasama antara suami dengan istri dalam menghidupkan qiyamul lail sebagaimana sabda Nabi Shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam (yang artinya) :

"Semoga Allah merahmati seorang laki laki yang bangun malam kemudian shalat dan membangunkan istrinya untuk shalat dan bila tidak mau bangun maka ia memerciki dengan air di wajahnya. Dan semoga Allah merahmati seorang perempuan yang bangun malam lalu shalat dan membangunkan suaminya untuk shalat, bila tidak mau bangun maka ia memerciki dengan air di wajahnya." (HR. Ahmad, Ahlul Sunan kecuali At Tirmidzi dan hadits ini shahih).

Menjalani kehidupan rumah tangga dengan tulus, ikhlas, setia dan penuh kasih sayang.

Hendaknya masing masing suami istri merasa memiliki tanggung jawab penuh terhadap tugas dan kewajiban yang ada di pundaknya. Masing masing harus tahu bahwa dia dituntut untuk menunaikan kewajiban secara baik dan sempurna sebagaimana sabda Nabi (yang artinya)

"Setiap kalian adalah pemimpiin dan akan diminta pertanggungjawaban atas kepemimpinannya dan imam adalah pemimpin, dan orang laki laki adalah pemimpin bagi keluarganya, dan wanita adalah penanggungjawab atas rumah suami dan anaknya. Dan setiap kalian adalah pemimpin dan setiap kalian akan diminta pertanggungjawaban atas kepemimpinannya." (HR. Al Bukhari)

Antara suami dan istri harus kerjasama secara baik dalam rangka mewujudkan suasana tenang dan gembira serta berusaha semaksimal mungkin menjauhkan perkara perkara yang mendatangkan keburukan dan kesedihan. Betapa indahnya ucapan Abu Darda' ketika berkata kepada istrinya :

"Jika kamu sedang melihatku dalam keadaan marah maka carilah sesuatu yang bisa menyenangkanku dan jika aku melihatmu sedang marah maka aku akan mencari sesuatu yang bisa menyenangkanmu, dan bila tidak seperti itu maka kita tidak usah berkumpul saja".

Tidak menyebarkan rahasia masing masing dan tidak menyebut nyebut keburukan pasangannya di depan orang lain karena demikian itu melecehkan harga diri pasangannya di depan orang lain. Ketika itu ia telah melakukan ghibah yang dibenci lagi berdosa.

Hendaknya masing masing memperhatikan gaya dan penampilan, istri berdandan yang bagus untuk suami dan suami juga berdandan yang bagus untuk sang istri. Ibnu Abbas berkata :

"Saya sangat senang berdandan untuk istriku sebagaimana saya senang bila ia berdandan untukku, karena Allah berfirman :'Dan bagi istri istri hak yang sepadan dengan kewajiban kewajibannya dengan baik'."

Ini adalah buku saku yang cukup ringkas memuat permasalahan tentang pernikahan. Yaitu tentang alasan alasan mengapa harus menikah, bagaimana memilih jodoh, hukum dan etika meminang, seputar akad nikah, etika malam pengantin, dll. Termasuk juga hak hak dan kewajiban suami dan juga istri. Cukup baik sekali buat dibaca oleh mereka yang akan menikah dan juga bagi mereka yang sudah menikah, sebagai pengantar untuk membaca buku buku
pernikahan yang lain yang pembahasannya lebih luas.
