Sunday, September 26, 2010

Some People Reach The Top of The Corporate Ladder Without A University Degree

The statement above I quote from bonus magazine of Jakarta Post I borrowed from National Institute of Health Research and Development (Litbangkes). The magazine is Weekender, October 2010 edition. On Friday September 24, 2010, I borrowed this magazine from local library in my institute, so I hope I could read the magazine in my office while I was working with my daily activities. The magazine comes with many topics to read, but this topic seems the most interesting topic for me.

I don't mean that I have reached the top, but I mean most of the people today have a vision that being success will be reached by having higher degree. You may have a closer look at your surroundings. Some people reach success even though they don't have any university degree.

And, some people -unfortunately- have a look on someone by his or her degree. They will spread a red carpet if you have higher university degree. They will welcome you kindly. On the other side, if you don't have anything, you will be nothing in their visions.

And, this is the point of this writing, life is changed. Don't underestimate on someone.

Rainy Sunday afternoon
Ruang7, Depok 16.24 WIB

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