Wednesday, December 29, 2010

First Post via MWG ZINC II

This is my first post using MWG ZINC II, a new PDA from a kind friend in my office. May Allah be with him. Amin.

This post is via hotspot in Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel in Bali.

at Bali
Dec 29, 2010

In A Team Creating History of Balitbangkes

During the last semester of 2010, I have joined a team to create a book about history of Badan Litbangkes. This team is coordinated by Mr. Agus, and the writer is Mr. Arie R. The book, with the title "The Dance of Minds: 35 Tahun Badan Litbangkes", was finally launched at Simposium Nasional VI at Jakarta Convention Center on December 20, 2010.

Today is the day the team make an evaluation of the book.
I learn many things in this project.

at Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel, Bali
December 29, 2010, 08.31 AM
What a lovely morning

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


My background is engineering, I love studying how stuff works.
My background is not monetary...

Percetakan Negara - Jakarta

Thursday, December 02, 2010

DigitalWorks Online Still Exists

December 2, 2010.
By accident I find my website DigitalWorks Online hosted in Geocities (, but my website is not in anymore. It is hosted in

So, this to inform you that you can read and download my articles and softwares through this link,

But minor code errors still exist due to the migration from to

December 2, 2010