Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Indonesia's 65th Independence Day Commemoration

August 17, 2010, today is a special day for my people. Today is our country's Independence Day commemoration. We have celebrated this Independence Day for 65 times.

Being an occupied country is painful. And now we live in independent era since -actually- our nation can do anything without order from other nation. This idea always keep in my mind. Are we actually independent? Independence in my humble opinion is no control from other nation, and we can control ourself.

I don't want to create a list that our nation is being controlled by other nations. You may think by yourself. After that you may conclude your opinion. Please don't be so extreme, since you are Indonesian. So love your country, Indonesia.

Chandra (a.k.a. ÇäkrabiRâwÄ)
at Ruang7-Depok.

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