Monday, June 08, 2009

An Experience to become a translator

Hari ini June 08, 2009. Abis ngajar di Fatmawati. While doing my works using laptop, an administration staff asked me for help. A Pakistani father wanted to enroll his daughter to study in this academy. So the administration needed me to become a translator.

Actually I felt so awkward. As usual. Everything for every newest activity that I do for the first time, I felt in doubt. But the condition need me to do. So I have no choice.

Alhamdulillah, I can do it. I am an intermediary of Pakistani father who cannot speak Indonesian well with the admininstration staff. Yah... sebisa bisanya lah ... hehe. But It's okay. They (a Pakistani father accompanied with his friend) can understand.

There are many things that I learn from that new experience. Here are:
- Not all of the word in English have similar or the same translation in English. For example the word "Materai" in Indonesian. That's why in the dialogue with them I often say "In Indonesian we call it .... ".

Kayaknya itu deh yang keinget. But this is my first experience to prove my English ability in speaking. eh gak juga deng..., I remember when I had a dialogue with an India / Pakistani Moslem from Jama'ah Tabligh when I was a university student in Masjid al Hidayah Tembalang Semarang.
Tapi dulu masih berantakan banget. I remember that.

this would be my new achievement.

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