Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Training about Workshop IPD Applications

June 27-29, 2011, at Grand Pasific Hotel, Jl. Pasirkaliki 100 Bandung, Indonesia. Attending a training about Workshop Applications IPD-Balitbangkes.

The session that I am interested are 'Jabatan Fungsional Pranata Komputer' and Senayan Library Management System. Those two sessions broaden my horizon, settled for Pranata Komputer and having intent to switching from application programming (Delphi) to web programming (PHP and Joomla). But, we don't know the next, something in the future.

Beneficial link for Senayan application is http://www.slims.web.id.

Something that I must keep in my mind is I have to write. May Allah help me to finish my 18th-book.

at Jl. Pasirkaliki Bandung, Indonesia
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
12.32 noon.

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