This post is via hotspot in Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel in Bali.
at Bali
Dec 29, 2010
August 17, 2010, today is a special day for my people. Today is our country's Independence Day commemoration. We have celebrated this Independence Day for 65 times.
The situation of Semarang Tawang Railway station is not changing much. I like the old building of this station which was created during the era of Netherlands occupation of Indonesia. The architecture is very unique. It creates a unique sense different with modern building. Well, I love it.
Hmm, I still remember 'my favourite transit', the mushalla. This place is the first destination when I reached Semarang after having travel from Jakarta. Yup, going to pray. Or, if I reached Semarang in the early morning, this place was my lovely place while waiting for the sunrise and continue my travel to Tembalang. Yup, waiting for praying subuh and for the sunrise.
Semarang Tawang Railway Station really has an interesting memory for me. Someday, I will travel and show this station and the memories lie behind this station to my beloved wife. I will show her my lovely memories...What does this sign mean? For me, this is only my prediction that could be right or wrong, there are good antusiasm among people (Indonesian people) in searching Islamic knowledge. Especially, the knowledge about basic of Islam.
May Allah be with us and preserves Islamic da'wa in Indonesia. Amin.