Thursday, June 03, 2010

First Trying of Ubuntu in Networking

Today June 03, 2010 I try Ubuntu 7 (Feisty Fawn) that I get from Bogor when I attend computer networking training. I try this Ubuntu in my office computer that is connected to a network and also connected to the Internet. I know Ubuntu a few years ago, but this time is my first experience trying Ubuntu in a computer network.

One thing fascinates me. Ubuntu can detect everything including a network that already exist. So everything is easier. Using its live CD I can PING to Google and try to connect to any sites I want. So this could be my first post using Ubuntu in LIVE CD and in a network. Alhamdulillah.


1 comment:

qodri said...

Terima kasih banyak banyak untuk info yang menarik di blog ini...
sekalian saya juga ingin membagikan blog kami di

mohon kunjungan baliknya iya, syukran dan terima kasih atas kepercayaannya...