A few days ago I went to an Islamic Book store at Margonda Street Depok Indonesia to look for some books. As usual this is my monthly activities to fulfill the need of Islamic knowledge. Alhamdulillah.
And I found an interesting book. A new relase book from Pustaka at Taqwa. The title is "Ruh Seorang Muslim Tergantung pada Utangnya". Yup, since it is an Indonesian-language book. So, I read the book for a glance to know the whole content in single sitting.
Then, my eyes were glued on an interesting and heart-touchful doa. Alhamdulillah, I felt that I am a lucky man because I found this doa. This doa is from a hadith. So here it is,
"Ya, Allah, cukupilah aku dengan rezeki-Mu yang halal (hingga aku terhindar) dari yang haram. Cukupilah aku dengan karunia-Mu (hingga aku tidak minta) kepada selain-Mu."
(From at Tirmidzi (no. 3565) and Ahmad (I/153) from 'Ali bin Abi Thalib radhiyallahu'anhu. It is stated that the hadith is Hasan).
It is a good idea, very good idea to keep this doa always in our mind.
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