Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Password Undercover, My 18th book

Praise to Allah, alhamdulillah. I feel so lucky and happy because today is the day that my 18th book is published and today the book is avalable on stores.

Many thanks to Allah Jalla wa 'Ala.
I would like to thank also to my parents, and my beloved wife who always encourage me to write.

This is my 18th book entitled "Password Undercover - Menyingkap Teori dan Praktek Tentang Password".

Grand Cikarang Hotel
October 12, 2011. 10.46 WIB
My Allah be with us.

1 comment:

Islamic Inspirations said...

Asalamu alaikum, nice blog feel free to visit/comment/follow my blog, may Allaah reward you, Aameen. 'A King And A Fly' is my recent blogit.. oh and check out the book I have im sure you will want to read maybe..