Is it possible to translate English into Indonesian (and vice versa) using a program?
The question might be confusing. Why? If only translating from one word into other word, I think it is okay. No problem. I remember I've created a program like this called Bu Darti.
But different case in translating a sentence or even a paragraph. The result of translation could be so funny. This happens if we translate using a software or a machine. I give you an example that might widen your horizon.
"The trophy goes to Mr. Amir"
I don't actually try to translate the above sentence using any machine. But this is only my prediction that if we try to translate that sentence using a program or a machine, the result of translation may be like this (in Indonesian).
"Tropi itu pergi ke Bapak Amir".
So, the result could be so funny... :)
Why does it happen? In my opinion this happens because the machine or software doesn't have 'feeling'. It only consist of a set of program and hardware.
Based on that illustration above, if you ask me what the best way to translate is? The answer is try to translate using your own brain. And the additional material is only a dictionary.....
:) hmm, I remember when a friend of my friend ask about this.
So, happy translating then ...
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