Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Challenging a Danger

Easy and cheap transportation is the most favourite choice for the people in my country. One example is busway. This is the most favourite public transportation for the people living in Jakarta. As you can imagine, the simple and cheap transportation will become the favourite one and as the result, passengers will fulfill every space in the bus.
Another favourite public transportation in my country is Jabotabek train. This kind of train serves from south of Jakarta (Bogor) until Jakarta-Kota, and also serves from Bekasi until west of Jakarta, making people easily move from those areas to other areas in Jakarta. Well, in the early morning of Tuesday on September 28, 2010, I have a duty to Bogor to interview a professor. The story about this will be written later... :) .
So, for the first time during last five months, I stepped in Depok Baru Railway Station. The passengers are so crowded waiting for the train to Jakarta-Kota and Tanah Abang. I have no wonder about this since today is working day until the officer in the station gave an announcement of the coming train from Bogor. This made me fascinated! The train were full of passengers even they had to sit at the top of the train and also hanging on the handle bar near the train door. This could be done only for the 'stunt master' for TV or film show... :) . And if you see this in your TV, there could be a text 'Don't do this at home' to remind the people not to do this.
As you can see in the picture above, that would be the profile of our public transportation nowadays. So what should we do to solve the condition like this? Any opinion?
Silent night 21.18
September 28, 2010
at Ruang7

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Do'a to Remember

"Ya Rabb, letakkanlah dunia di tanganku, tapi jangan Engkau letakkan di hatiku.. aamiin".

Thank to the one teaching me this do'a, even I forget what book I read from. Jazaakallahu khoiroon.

Rainy Sunday Afternoon
Ruang7, 16.52 PM

Some People Reach The Top of The Corporate Ladder Without A University Degree

The statement above I quote from bonus magazine of Jakarta Post I borrowed from National Institute of Health Research and Development (Litbangkes). The magazine is Weekender, October 2010 edition. On Friday September 24, 2010, I borrowed this magazine from local library in my institute, so I hope I could read the magazine in my office while I was working with my daily activities. The magazine comes with many topics to read, but this topic seems the most interesting topic for me.

I don't mean that I have reached the top, but I mean most of the people today have a vision that being success will be reached by having higher degree. You may have a closer look at your surroundings. Some people reach success even though they don't have any university degree.

And, some people -unfortunately- have a look on someone by his or her degree. They will spread a red carpet if you have higher university degree. They will welcome you kindly. On the other side, if you don't have anything, you will be nothing in their visions.

And, this is the point of this writing, life is changed. Don't underestimate on someone.

Rainy Sunday afternoon
Ruang7, Depok 16.24 WIB

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Trying of BlankOn v6.0 Ombilin

Today Tuesday September 14, 2010 is my first trying of another Linux variant. This variant is from Indonesian. Very unique in my opinion since it uses a name from common Indonesian tribe namely Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese, Madurese, etc. This Linux is BlankOn v6.0. This version of BlankOn comes with the name code Ombilin.

According to documentation, this BlankOn is derived from Ubuntu, so you can try BlankOn using Live CD without needed to change your computer settings. Another interesting side of this Linux is the use of Indonesian Language for most of the application menu, but not of them. Hmm, actually this would make me confuse since in computer application some people are familiar in English language. But this is not a big problem. If we use Indonesian language more often, so we will familiar. We just need a time to get adaptation.

Anyway, if you want to try BlankOn, you may download via this linkhttp://www2.blankonlinux.or.id/unduh/. Don't forget to prepare a space in your harddisk or flash disk for about 700 MB. After that, you may burn the downloaded iso file into the CD using Nero. And... a Live CD for BlankOn is ready.

Please underline that this posting is written using Live CD of BlankOn Ombilin version. Good job! Alhamdulillah.

Percetakan Negara - Jakarta
September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sesuaikan Etika dan Busana Anda dengan Lingkungan Masjid

"Sesuaikan etika dan busana Anda dengan lingkungan masjid".

That statement is quite common in our surroundings especially when we enter yard of a mosque. Some mosques warn visitors with such a statement I quote above. This is the second mosque I know having such a statement to remind visitors to adjust their clothes based on Islamic rule, at least to cover their 'aurat'. Please refer to Islamic book concerning about this, you may find it easily in your local bookstore.

The first mosque I know having a statement like that is Al Azhar mosque near Blok M area. The statement is written in such a big font size that everyone can see the statement clearly from a distance. Alhamdulillah, in Ramadhan 1413 H/2010 M, I found similar statement qlued on a wall in Al Maghfiroh Mosque around South Jakarta. Well, in my prediction, there would be a lot of mosques having a statement like that to remind visitors to adjust their clothes based on Islamic rule. What about the mosque in your surroundings? Has the management of the mosque (DKM or Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid) already warned their visitors? If not yet, why don't you advice the management about this?

Hmm, I guess there would be a growing number of mosques that will have a statement like this. Alhamdulillah, all praise is to Allah. I also remember that in some Islamic boarding school (pesantren) have similar statement like that, but in 'stronger' statement since they -perhaps- have more power. They remind their visitors with a statement like this:

"Anda memasuki kawasan wajib berbusana muslim/muslimah".
(You enter compulsory moslem/moslemah-dress area).

chandra at Depok
Rainy afternoon 5.19 PM
Monday, September 13, 2010

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Installing ClustrMaps for Buku Islam Blog

September 05, 2010, I installed a blog tool to know location of Buku-Islam blog visitors. The tool is provided by ClutrMaps. It provides a geographical location of where our blog visitor come. Pretty useful.

Something to underlined that ClustrMaps doesn't provide a real time report, but it will update the report daily. So the image report we see is actually the description of visitors for the last 24 hours.

Below I captured a report from 5 Sept 2010 until 6 Sept 2010. So I only get description based on 24 hours basis. The report says that Buku-Islam blog visitors come from all over the world. Alhamdulillah. Most of them are from Indonesia and some of them are from United States. The rest are from many other countries namely Saudi Arabia, Japan, Qatar, and Morocco.

Well, this ClustrMaps is a very interesting tool, especially based on my humble opinion.

Percetakan Negara - Jakarta

Saturday, September 04, 2010

A Do'a to remember

This morning, I remember a heart-touching do'a. I don't want to make long statement in this post, here is the do'a:

"Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pemaaf, dan suka memaafkan, maka maafkanlah aku."

at Ruang7-Depok