Saturday, May 29, 2010

Computer Networking Training in Bogor

From 24 - 27 May 2010 I joined Computer Networking Training in Bogor. This training is held by Pusat Data dan Surveilans Epidemiologi Kementerian Kesehatan of Republic of Indonesia.
The material is about basic of computer networking, and I still need everything about the basics. May Allah broaden my computer skill. Amien.
[This post is sent from my home after having the training]

Monday, May 24, 2010

Badan PP SDM Kesehatan

Something to remember. From May 9, 2010 until May 22, 2010 at Badan Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya Kesehatan, I spent my days. The activity was follow the training which was held by Health Ministry. Badan PP SDM is located on Jalan Hang Jebat Raya Kebayoran Baru Jakarta.

And thi post is sent when I follow a computer networking training on Pusdiklat Gizi at Jl. Dr. Semeru Bogor. Actually I just want to test my SMART modem. And fortunately, alhamdulillah, it works! he. The connection is good, the same result when I use this modem at home. By the way, I follow this computer networking training from Monday May 24, 2010 until Thursday May 27, 2010. I hope this training increased my knowledge, my horizon especially in networking.

From Bogor with smile!

a.k.a. Cakrabirawa

Monday, May 03, 2010

Watch Riskesdas Video on YouTube

Today most of my friends join TOT (Training of Trainer) on Batam Island. Perhaps it would take for a week. This training is for Riskesdas on May 2010. To give you a brief information about Riskesdas, I found a video posted by someone on YouTube.

You may click this link.

By watching this video we know that to collect data in Riskesdas need a big effort. But we hope that the value would be equal to the effort. May Allah be with us!
