Friday, April 23, 2010

Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2010

Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia has a big job during May and June 2010. The job is called Riset Kesehatan Dasar, to collect information about public health in Indonesia.

For the first time I was deployed for Sumatera Utara area, but for some reasons it was cancelled. Hoping that this job done well, I pray for the success for this Riskesdas. May Allah be with us! Amiin.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Posting from JIIPP Network

With cheer...

This is my first post using office network. Wah, cepet banget. The connection is very very fast. Hope this would give me a benefit to broaden my knowledge....

From JIIPP with cheers....
April 16, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

First Day in Computer Unit

This is my first day in computer unit in Litbang. Actually I want to write much, but may be later. Well, I hope this would be a good starting point for me. Amin.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

A Trip to Puslitbang Gizi

On Saturday March 03, 2010 I went to Bogor to Puslitbang Gizi. It is not a formal visit but just to fulfil my curiosity where the Puslitbang Gizi is.
So I went to Depok Baru Railway Station. I love having a trip by train. I chose economy class train in order to gather with ordinary Indonesian people, 'the proletar' by my term. And with another reason, to save my money... hehe.

Finally, the train reached Bogor Station. Railway station has a very interesting sense for me. I don't know why. The architecture is different. Perhaps because most of the railway station in Indonesia was built by Netherlands Government during its occupation.

I was lost of direction when locating Puslitbang Gizi. But after asking to some people I found it. The situation around Puslitbang is good. I like the environment. It is different with the situation in Jakarta.

In my opinion, Bogor is a good place for living with family.